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Kamis, 16 Mei 2013

4 Sifat Manusia

Hai sobat blogger, sudah lama tak bertemu.. :D
Semoga postingan saya kali ini bermanfaat bagi kalian semua, selamat membaca.. :D



* Analitis, Mendalam, Dan Penuh Pikiran
* Serius Dan bertujuan, Serta berorientasi jadwal
* Artistik, Musikal Dan Kreatif (Filsafat & puitis)
* Sensitif
* Mau mengorbankan Diri Dan idealis
* Standar Tinggi, Dan perfeksionis
* Senang perincian / memerinci, tekun, serba tertib Dan teratur (RAPI)
* Hemat
* Melihat masalah Dan MENCARI Solusi pemecahan Kreatif (sering terlalu Kreatif)
* Kalau sudah MULAI, dituntaskan.
* Berteman Artikel Baru Hati-Hati.
* Puas di Belakang xp, menghindari perhatian.
* Mau mendengar keluhan, setia Dan mengabdi
* Ulasan Sangat memperhatikan orangutan lain MELANKOLIS


* Cenderung melihat masalah dari sisi negatif (murung dan tertekan)
* Mengingat yang negatif & pendendam
* Mudah merasa bersalah dan memiliki citra diri rendah
* Lebih menekankan pada cara daripada tercapainya tujuan
* Tertekan pada situasi yg tidak sempurna dan berubah-ubah
* Melewatkan banyak waktu untuk menganalisa dan merencanakan (if..if..if..)
* Standar yang terlalu tinggi sehingga sulit disenangkan
* Hidup berdasarkan definisi
* Sulit bersosialisasi
* Tukang kritik, tetapi sensitif terhadap kritik/ yg menentang dirinya
* Sulit mengungkapkan perasaan (cenderung menahan kasih sayang)
* Rasa curiga yg besar (skeptis terhadap pujian)
* Memerlukan persetujuan


* Mudah bergaul, santai, tenang dan teguh
* Sabar, seimbang, dan pendengar yang baik
* Tidak banyak bicara, tetapi cenderung bijaksana
* Simpatik dan baik hati (sering menyembunyikan emosi)
* Kuat di bidang administrasi, dan cenderung ingin segalanya terorganisasi
* Penengah masalah yg baik
* Cenderung berusaha menemukan cara termudah
* Baik di bawah tekanan
* Menyenangkan dan tidak suka menyinggung perasaan
* Rasa humor yg tajam
* Senang melihat dan mengawasi
* Berbelaskasihan dan peduli
* Mudah diajak rukun dan damai

* Kurang antusias, terutama terhadap perubahan/ kegiatan baru
* Takut dan khawatir
* Menghindari konflik dan tanggung jawab
* Keras kepala, sulit kompromi (karena merasa benar)
* Terlalu pemalu dan pendiam
* Humor kering dan mengejek (Sarkatis)
* Kurang berorientasi pada tujuan
* Sulit bergerak dan kurang memotivasi diri
* Lebih suka sebagai penonton daripada terlibat
* Tidak senang didesak-desak
* Menunda-nunda / menggantungkan masalah.



* Suka bicara
* Secara fisik memegang pendengar, emosional dan demonstratif
* Antusias dan ekspresif
* Ceria dan penuh rasa ingin tahu
* Hidup di masa sekarang
* Mudah berubah (banyak kegiatan / keinginan)
* Berhati tulus dan kekanak-kanakan
* Senang kumpul dan berkumpul (untuk bertemu dan bicara)
* Umumnya hebat di permukaan
* Mudah berteman dan menyukai orang lain
* Senang dengan pujian dan ingin menjadi perhatian
* Menyenangkan dan dicemburui orang lain
* Mudah memaafkan (dan tidak menyimpan dendam)
* Mengambil inisiatif/ menghindar dari hal-hal atau keadaan yang membosankan
* Menyukai hal-hal yang spontan


* Suara dan tertawa yang keras (terlalu keras)
* Membesar-besarkan suatu hal / kejadian
* Susah untuk diam
* Mudah ikut-ikutan atau dikendalikan oleh keadaan atau orang lain (suka nge-Gank)
* Sering minta persetujuan, termasuk hal-hal yang sepele
* RKP! (Rentang Konsentrasi Pendek)
* Dalam bekerja lebih suka bicara dan melupakan kewajiban (awalnya saja antusias)
* Mudah berubah-ubah
* Susah datang tepat waktu jam kantor
* Prioritas kegiatan kacau
* Mendominasi percakapan, suka menyela dan susah mendengarkan dengan tuntas
* Sering mengambil permasalahan orang lain, menjadi seolah-olah masalahnya
* Egoistis
* Sering berdalih dan mengulangi cerita-cerita yg sama
* Konsentrasi ke “How to spend money” daripada “How to earn/save money”



* Senang memimpin, membuat keputusan, dinamis dan aktif
* Sangat memerlukan perubahan dan harus mengoreksi kesalahan
* Berkemauan keras dan pasti untuk mencapai sasaran/ target
* Bebas dan mandiri
* Berani menghadapi tantangan dan masalah
* “Hari ini harus lebih baik dari kemarin, hari esok harus lebih baik dari hari ini”.
* Mencari pemecahan praktis dan bergerak cepat
* Mendelegasikan pekerjaan dan orientasi berfokus pada produktivitas
* Membuat dan menentukan tujuan
* Terdorong oleh tantangan dan tantangan
* Tidak begitu perlu teman
* Mau memimpin dan mengorganisasi
* Biasanya benar dan punya visi ke depan
* Unggul dalam keadaan darurat


* Tidak sabar dan cepat marah (kasar dan tidak taktis)
* Senang memerintah
* Terlalu bergairah dan tidak/susah untuk santai
* Menyukai kontroversi dan pertengkaran
* Terlalu kaku dan kuat/ keras
* Tidak menyukai air mata dan emosi tidak simpatik
* Tidak suka yang sepele dan bertele-tele / terlalu rinci
* Sering membuat keputusan tergesa-gesa
* Memanipulasi dan menuntut orang lain, cenderung memperalat orang lain
* Menghalalkan segala cara demi tercapainya tujuan
* Workaholics (kerja adalah “tuhan”-nya)
* Amat sulit mengaku salah dan meminta maaf
* Mungkin selalu benar tetapi tidak populer

Terimakasih sudah membaca artikel saya, sampai bertemu lagi di postingan saya selanjutnya.. :D

My First Story - Still Lyrics

Afraid that if you turned away,
But this heartache tonight..
This can’t be forever,
The raining hold me now..
So no way to talk to you,
Anyone tell me how can i talk to you..
Dou suru koto mo dekizu ni for you for you,

Cause I know..
Nani wo shite itatte kimi ga kanarazu ite,
Umaku ienaikedo iwanakya..
Tsutawaru koto sae nai,

Became so close to me..
I could not ignore myself,
Anomama no ho ga yokatta no ka na…?
Demo modoru koto wa mou dekinai kara,
You know this story is no fiction of me..
Don’t close it, please read it, then tell me,
Kimi no motome koto saede kizu for me for me..

Cause I know nani wo shite itatte kimi ga kanarazu ite,
Umaku ienaikedo iwanakya..
Tsutawaru koto sae nai,

The voice inside my heart..
Starting fill up my heart,
My heart bleeding for you..
Can I break this silence.?
The word I say I Swear could be last forever !!

Watch me so I can tell,
To make you know my pain !!
Behaving bad for you,
Don’t even notice me..
I’m screaming to you but,
Don’t even notice me..
I’ll never get you down,
Love you more than the song said you know yeah …!

Now I see you, but I can’t feel you anymore,
Boku wa koko ni iru kedo..

Cause i know nani wo shite itatte kimi ga kanarazu ite,
I could not say goodbye..
I should not forget it yet!
Tsutawarukotosa enai..

Kono kimochisura toitenaikeredo,
I can’t live this way forever..

Selasa, 26 Februari 2013

Howie D. Followed Me On Twitter

Hai sobat blogger yang saya sayangi.. ~ :*
Lama tak jumpa ya sobat.!? Kangen gak nih.?
Enggak ya.? :( aduh sedihnya.. ==" hehe..

Kali ini saya cuma mau nulis postingan yang gaje kayaknya.. XD
Jadi terserah kalian mau membacanya atau tidak..
Hehehe.. ^_^

Sobat, kalian tau tidak band legendaris Backstreet Boys.?
Tentunya kalian tahu kan.?? :D
Nah, salah satu personil dari Backstreet Boys yang bernama Howie Dorough atau biasa di sapa Howie D. ini ternyata FOLLOW ane di Twitter nih gan.! :D
Cowok kelahiran 22 Agustus 1973 ini memiliki akun twitter yang bernama @howied dan twitter ane yang bernama @EL_September .. XD hehe.. *promosi ceritanya*

Sebernya dia udah lamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa banget follow aku, tapi ane baru tahu kemarin-kemarin.. pas lagi lihat semua followers.. :D *capek + pusing lihatnya*
Ceritanya gini nih sobat, kan itu VERIFIED ACCOUNT tuh.. gue cuma lihat foto profilnya kece banget.. artis mana nih.? *fikir gue* pas gue buka ternyata dia PERSONIL BACKSTREET BOYS dan saat itu gue cuma tau nama band nya.. sedangkan personilnya gak ada yang tahu sama sekali.. XD
*kalau WESTLIFE gue tahu semua* :D hehe..

Pas baca biodatanya di situ ada tulisan " Hi I'm Howie D from the Backstreet Boys........ " dan refleks gue langsung mangap tuh.. XD Backstreet Boys.???? wahhh.. kenapa gue baru nyadar ya.? aduhh.. stupid.! *fikir gue sambil cengar-cengir* dan dari situ bio gue langsung di ganti.. *tadi nya cuma @CodySimpson Followed* sekarang semua VERIFIED ACCOUNT yang follow gue, gue tulis di bio* XD #pamer
Hehe.. narsis sedikit gak apa-apa kali yee.. :p wkwk..

Nah ini dia foto Howie Dorough sang Personil Backstreet Boys.. :D

*aduh masih kece aja nih* :D :* ihiww.. haha..

Nah, itu dia sobat postingan gaje dari ane..
Semoga bermanfaat bagi kalian para fans Backstreet Boys yang mungkin mencari akun twitter Howie Dorough dan lain sebagainya.. XD
Sampai jumpa dalam postingan ane selanjutnya.... Byeee.. :*
#Jangan Lupa Follow ane @EL_September

Howie D. - Back For Me Lyrics

No matter how many times I try to say it,
looks like she made up her mind that she can save this..
so now she keeps coming back to me (back to me... back..),
and I can't help that I don't feel the same..
girl I'm sorry but,

you're only making this harder for you..
coz loving is something that I just can't do,
girl you had a chance but now it's time to move on..
and now we gotta go our separate ways,

it doesn't matter what you do or you say..
coz nothing between you and I is gonna change,
but you keep coming back to the same one place..
girl it feels like you are my boomerang,

she's coming back to me, back to me..
coming back to me, back to me,
coming back to me, back to me..
here she comes,

girl I keep walking away..
and still you come back,
with every step that I take..
you take me one back,
but this is killing me..
why can't you just let me go and move on,
girl I'm sorry but..

you're only making this harder for you,
coz loving is something that I just can't do..
girl you had a chance but now it's time to move on,
and now we gotta go our separate ways girl..

it doesn't matter what you do or you say,
coz nothing between you and I is gonna change..
but you keep coming back to the same one place,
girl it feels like you are my boomerang..

she's coming back to me, back to me,
coming back to me, back to me..
coming back to me, back to me,
here she comes..

no matter where I wanna go,
(where I want to go)..
you're always pulling me back where we started,
it's time to pick up and go (go go go)..
coz this is your final turn,

it doesn't matter what you do or you say..
coz nothing between you and I is gonna change,
but you keep coming back to the same one place..
girl it feels like you are my boomerang,

(it doesn't matter....)..

it doesn't matter what you do or you say,
coz nothing between you and I is gonna change..
but you keep coming back to the same one place,
girl it feels like you are my boomerang..

she's coming back to me, back to me,
coming back to me, back to me..
coming back to me, back to me,
here she comes..

Senin, 25 Februari 2013

Maroon 5 - Daylight Lyrics

Here I am waiting, I'll have to leave soon,
Why am I holding on.?
We knew this day would come, we knew it all along,
How did it come so fast.?

This is our last night but it's late,
And I'm trying not to sleep..
Cause I know, when I wake, I will have to slip away,

And when the daylight comes I'll have to go..
But tonight I'm gonna hold you so close,
Cause in the daylight we'll be on our own..
But tonight I need to hold you so close,

Oh-woah, oh-woah, oh-woah..
Oh-woah, oh-woah, oh-woah,

Here I am staring at your perfection..
In my arms, so beautiful,
The sky is getting bright, the stars are burning out..
Somebody slow it down,

This is way too hard, cause I know..
When the sun comes up, I will leave,
This is my last glance that will soon be memory..

And when the daylight comes I'll have to go,
But tonight I'm gonna hold you so close..
Cause in the daylight we'll be on our own,
But tonight I need to hold you so close..

Oh-woah, oh-woah, oh-woah,
Oh-woah, oh-woah, oh-woah..

I never wanted to stop because I don't wanna start all over, start all over,
I was afraid of the dark but now it's all that I want, all that I want, all that I want..

And when the daylight comes I'll have to go,
But tonight I'm gonna hold you so close..
Cause in the daylight we'll be on our own,
But tonight I need to hold you so close..

And when the daylight comes I'll have to go,
But tonight I'm gonna hold you so close..
Cause in the daylight we'll be on our own,
But tonight I need to hold you so close..

Oh-woah, oh-woah, oh-woah,
Oh-woah, oh-woah, oh-woah..
Oh-woah (yeah), oh-woah (yeah), oh-woah (yeah),
Oh-woah (yeah), oh-woah (yeah), oh-woah.!

Sabtu, 23 Februari 2013

One Direction - One Way Or Another Lyrics

One way or another I’m gonna find ya,
I’m gonna getcha getcha getcha getcha..
One way or another I’m gonna win ya,
I’m gonna getcha getcha getcha getcha..

One way or another I’m gonna see ya,
I’m gonna meetcha meetcha meetcha meetcha..
One day, maybe next week,
I’m gonna meetcha, I’m gonna meetcha, I’ll meetcha..

I will drive past your house,
And if the lights are all out..
I’ll see who’s around,

One way or another I’m gonna find ya..
I’m gonna getcha getcha getcha getcha,
One way or another I’m gonna win ya..
I’ll getcha, I’ll getcha,

One way or another I’m gonna see ya..
I’m gonna meetcha meetcha meetcha meetcha,
One day, maybe next week..
I’m gonna meetcha, I’ll meetcha,

And if the lights are all out..
I’ll follow your bus downtown,
See who’s hanging out..

One, two, three, four,

Na Na Na Na Na Na Na..
Na Na Na Na Na Na Na,

I wanna hold you..
Wanna hold you tight,
Wanna hold you tight..
Wanna hold you tight,
Yeah teenage kicks right..
through the night,

I wanna hold you..
Wanna hold you tight,
Wanna hold you tight..
Wanna hold you tight,
Yeah teenage kicks right..
through the night,

One way or another I’m gonna see ya,
I’m gonna meetcha meetcha meetcha meetcha..

One way or another I’m gonna win ya,
I`m gonna getcha getcha getcha getcha..

One way or another I’m gonna see ya,
I’m gonna meetcha meetcha meetcha meetcha..

One way or another I’m gonna win ya,
I`m gonna getcha getcha getcha getcha..

One way or another I’m gonna see ya,
I’m gonna meetcha meetcha meetcha meetcha..
One day or another I’m gonna win ya,
I`m gonna getcha getcha getcha getcha..

One way or another,

Senin, 11 Februari 2013

Cara Merubah Model Tulisan & Warna Di Blog

Hai sobat blogger tersayang.. :D :* #hehe..
Kali ini saya akan memberikan informasi tentang Cara Merubah Model Tulisan Di Blog..
Saya juga baru menemukan caranya kemarin nih sobat.! ^_^
Setelah lama ngotak-ngatik blog sendiri.. XD
Kita langsung saja yuk..!! ^_^

Hasil Settingan
Desainer Template

  1. Pastikan kalian sudah masuk ke akun Blog kalian,
  2. Lihat blog, klik Desain, lalu Tata Letak.
  3. Di pojok kanan atas terdapat tulisan Desainer Template, klik.
  4. Maka akan muncul Perancang Template Blogger
  5. Lalu klik tulisan Tingkat Lanjut, di situ terdapat cara merubah tulisan & warna Laman, Link, Judul Blog, dsb. 
  6. Silahkan pilih jenis tulisan di kolom Font, dan Warna Teks untuk teks.
  7. Di situ juga kita bisa mengganti ukuran huruf, tebal atau miring bentuk tulisan, dsb.
  8. Jika semua sudah di rubah sesuai dengan yang kalian inginkan, silahkan klik Terapkan Ke Blog yang terdapat di pojok kanan atas.
  9. Setelah selesai loading, silahkan lihat Blog kalian. Semua yang kalian rubah tadi sudah ada di blog kalian. Selamat mencoba..! ^_^

Nah, itu dia sobat blogger.!
Cara merubah Model Tulisan & Warna Di Blog, semoga artikel ini bermanfaat bagi kalian semua sobat blogger.. :D :* 
#Untuk info lebih lanjut silahkan kirimkan komentar di postingan ini.. ^_^

Sabtu, 09 Februari 2013

Biodata Cody Simpson

Hai sobat blogger yang tercinta.. :D
Kali ini saya ingin memberikan sedikit informasi tentang Biodata Cody Simpson.. ^_^
Kita langsung saja yuk..!! :*

Nama : Cody Robert Simpson.
Nama Panggilan : Cody Simpson.
Lahir : 11 Jnuari 1997, Goldcoast, Queensland, Australia.
Pekerjaan : Penyanyi dan Penulis Lagu.
Twitter : @CodySimpson

Cody Simpson memiliki 2 saudara kandung yang lebih muda, namanya Tom dan Alli.
Cody lahir dari pasangan Brad dan Angie Simpson. Selain pintar menyanyi dan menulis lagu, Cody juga seorang perenang berbakat dan pernah mendapat 2 medali emas di kejuaraan Queensland. Cody berlatih di klub renang Miami dibawah pelatih Ken Nixon, ibu nya juga bekerja sebagai sukarelawan di klub ini.

Cody Simpson merekam lagu di kamar tidurnya selama musim panas tahun 2009 di YouTube, dia menyanyikan lagu I'm Yours dari jason Mraz, Cry Me A River, dan Señorita oleh Justin Timberlake, I Want You Back oleh Jackson 5, dan lagu yang dibuatnya sendiri yang berjudul One, dan Perfect.

Kemudian Shawn Campbell seorang produser rekaman yang sudah beberapa kali masuk nominasi Grammy yang telah menjadi produser untuk Jay-Z dan artis lainnya, melihat video dari Cody di YouTube. Dan kini, Cody Simpson yang saat ini menanda tangani kontrak rekaman dengan label asal Amerika Serikat, Atlantic Records.

Cody juga sering online di Twitter loh sobat, dan jika kalian nge-fans sama Cody dan minta followback pasti dia akan follow kamu.. :D Contohnya ane, pas dia lagi on gue iseng ngirim mentionan ke dia buat followback.. Dan tanpa bales mentionan, dia langsung Follow Back gue.. ^_^ Refleks, gue langsung teriak padahal itu malam-malam.. XD Alhamdulillah ye sobat.. ^_^ *judulnya pamer* hahaha..

Nah, itu dia sobat..
Sedikit informasi tentang Cody Simpson.. ^_^
Semoga bermanfaat bagi kalian...

One Direction - She's Not Afraid Lyrics

Yeah (aha), one, two, three, four.!


She sneaks out in the middle of the night, yeah,
Tight dress with the top cut low..
She's addicted to the feeling of letting go, oh-woah, letting go,


She walks in and the room just lights up..
But she don't want anyone to know,
That I'm the only one that gets to take her home, oh-woah, take her home..


But every time I tell her that I want more,
She closes the door..

She's not afraid of all the attention,
She's not afraid of running wild..
How come she's so afraid of falling in love.?
She's not afraid of scary movies..
She likes the way we kiss in the dark,
But she's so afraid of f-f-falling in love, love..


Maybe she's just trying to test me,
Wanna see how hard I'm gonna work..
Wanna see if I can really tell how much she's worth, what you're worth,


Maybe all her friends have told her, "Don't get closer ‒
He'll just break your heart."


But either way she sees in the end,
And it's just so hard, so hard..


'Cause every time I tell her how I feel,
She says it's not real..

One, two, three, four,

She's not afraid of all the attention..
She's not afraid of running wild,
How come she's so afraid of falling in love.?
She's not afraid of scary movies,
She likes the way we kiss in the dark..
But she's so afraid of f-f-falling in love, love,


What about all the things we say..
Talking on the phone so late (so late),
I can't let her get away from me, oh..


When I say that I can do it no more,
She's back in my door..



(She's not afraid),
She's not afraid of all the attention..
She's not afraid of running wild (running wild),
How come she's so afraid of falling in love? (falling in love)..
She's not afraid of scary movies (she's not afraid),
She likes the way we kiss in the dark (kiss in the dark)..
But she's so afraid of f-f-falling in love, love,

She's not afraid..
She's not afraid,


Love, love..

One Direction - They Don't Know About Us Lyrics

People say we shouldn’t be together,
We're too young to know about forever..
But I say they don’t know what they talk talk talkin’ about,

Cause this love is only getting stronger..
So I don’t wanna wait any longer,
I just wanna tell the world that you're mine girlll..

They don’t know about the things we do..
They don’t know about the I love you’s,
But I bet you if they only knew..
They will just be jealous of us,
They don’t know about the up all night’s..
They don’t know I've waited all my life,
Just to find a love that feels this right..

Baby they don’t know about,
They don’t know about us..

Just one touch and I was a believer,
Every day it gets a little sweeter..
It’s getting better,
Keeps getting better all the time girl..

They don’t know about the things we do,
They don’t know about the I love you’s..
But I bet you if they only knew,
They will just be jealous of us..
They don’t know about the up all night’s,
They don’t know I've waited all my life..
Just to find a love that feels this right,

Baby they don’t know about..
They don’t know about us,

They don’t know how special you are..
They don’t know what you’ve done to my heart,
They can say anything they want..
Cause they don’t know about us,

They don’t know what we do best..
That’s between me and you our little secret,

But I wanna tell em..
I wanna tell the world that you're mine girl,

They don’t know about the things we do..
They don’t know about the I love you’s,
But I bet you if they only knew..
They will just be jealous of us,
They don’t know about the up all night’s..
They don’t know I've waited all my life,
Just to find a love that feels this right..

Baby they don’t know about,
They don’t know about us..

They don’t know about the things we do,
They don’t know about the I love you’s..
But I bet you if they only knew,
They will just be jealous of us..
They don’t know about the up all night’s,
They don’t know I've waited all my life..
Just to find a love that feels this right,

Baby they don’t know about..
They don’t know about us,

They don’t know about us..
They don’t know about us,

Kamis, 07 Februari 2013

Bruno Mars - Just The Way You Are Lyrics

Oh, her eyes, her eyes make the stars look like they're not shinin',
Her hair, her hair falls perfectly without her tryin'..
She's so beautiful,
And I tell her everyday..

Yeah, I know, I know when I compliment her, she won't believe me,
And it's so, it's so sad to think that she don't see what I see..
But every time she asks me do I look okay.?
I say..

When I see your face,
There's not a thing that I would change..
'Cause you're amazing,
Just the way you are..

And when you smile,
The whole world stops and stares for awhile..
'Cause girl, you're amazing,
Just the way you are..

Her lips, her lips, I could kiss them all day if she'd let me,
Her laugh her laugh, she hates but I think it's so sexy..
She's so beautiful,
And I tell her everyday..

Oh, you know, you know, you know I'd never ask you to change,
If perfect's what you're searching for, then just stay the same..
So don't even bother asking if you look okay,
You know I'll say..

When I see your face,
There's not a thing that I would change..
'Cause you're amazing,
Just the way you are..

And when you smile,
The whole world stops and stares for awhile..
'Cause girl, you're amazing,
Just the way you are..

The way you are,
The way you are..
Girl, you're amazing,
Just the way you are..

When I see your face,
There's not a thing that I would change..
'Cause you're amazing,
Just the way you are..

And when you smile,
The whole world stops and stares for awhile..
'Cause girl, you're amazing,
Just the way you are, yeah..

One Direction - Last First Kiss Lyrics


Baby I,
I wanna know..
What you think,
When you're alone..
Is it me? Yeah,
Are you thinking of me.? Yeah..
We've been friends..
Now for a while,
Wanna know, that when you smile..
Is it me? Yeah,
Are you thinking of me? Yeah..
Oh, Oh,


Girl, what would you do,
Would you wanna stay.?
If I were to say,


I wanna be last, yeah,
Baby let me be your..
Let me be your last first kiss,
I wanna be first, yeah..
Wanna be the first to take it all the way like this,
And if you..
Only knew,
I wanna be last yeah..
Baby let me be your last,
Your last first kiss..


Baby tell me,
Would it change..
I'm afraid,
You'll run away..
If I tell you,
What I've wanted to tell you..


Maybe I,
Just gotta wait..
Maybe this,
Is a mistake..
I'm a fool yeah,
Baby I'm just a fool yeah..
Oh, oh,


Girl, what would you do..
Would you wanna stay.?
If I were to say,


I wanna be last, yeah..
Baby let me be your,
Let me be your last first kiss..
I wanna be first, yeah,
Wanna be the first to take it all the way like this..
And if you,
Only knew..
I wanna be last yeah,
Baby let me be your last..
Your last first kiss,

(Your last first kiss)

Your last first kiss,

(Your last first kiss)


Girl what would you do.?
Would you wanna stay.?
If I were to say..


Your last first kiss.!


I wanna be last, yeah,
Baby let me be your..
Let me be your last first kiss,
I wanna be first, yeah..
Wanna be the first to take it all the way like this,
And if you..
Only knew,
I wanna be last yeah..
Baby let me be your last,
Your last first kiss..

I wanna be last,
Baby let me be your last,
Your last first kiss..




I wanna be last..
Baby let me be your last..
Your last first kiss,

One Direction - Moments Lyrics

Shut the door, turn the light off,
I wanna be with you..
I wanna feel your love,
I wanna lay beside you..
I cannot hide this even though I try,

Heart beats harder..
Time escapes me,
Trembling hands touch skin..
It makes this harder,
And the tears stream down my face..

If we could only have this life for one more day,
If we could only turn back time..

You know I'll be,
Your life, your voice your reason to be..
My love, my heart,
Is breathing for this..
Moments in time,
I'll find the words to say..
Before you leave me today,

Close the door..
Throw the key,
Don't wanna be reminded..
Don't wanna be seen,
Don't wanna be without you..
My judgement is clouded,
Like tonight's sky..

Hands are silent,
Voice is numb..
Try to scream out my lungs,
It makes this hard girl..
And the tears stream down my face,

If we could only have this life for one more day..
If we could only turn back time,

You know I'll be..
Your life, your voice your reason to be,
My love, my heart..
Is breathing for this,
Moments in time..
I'll find the words to say,
Before you leave me today..

Flashes left in my mind,
Going back to the time..
Playing games in the street,
Kicking balls with my feet..
Dancing on with my toes,
Standing close to the edge..
There's a pile of my clothes,
At the end of your bed..
As I feel myself fall,
Make a joke of it all..

You know I'll be,
Your life, your voice your reason to be..
My love, my heart,
Is breathing for this..
Moments in time,
I'll find the words to say..
Before you leave me today,

You know I'll be..
Your life, your voice your reason to be,
My love, my heart..
Is breathing for this,
Moment in time..
I'll find the words to say,
Before you leave me today..

Selasa, 05 Februari 2013

One Direction - Over Again Lyrics

Said I’d never leave her cause her hands fit like my t-shirt,
Tongue-tied over three words, cursed..
Running over thoughts that make my feet hurt,
Body's intertwined with her lips..

Now she’s feeling so low since she went solo,
Hole in the middle of my heart like a polo..
And it’s no joke to me,
So can we do it all over again.?

If you’re pretending from the start like this,
With a tight grip, then my kiss..
Can mend your broken heart,
I might miss everything you said to me..

And I can lend you broken parts,
That might fit like this..
And I will give you all my heart,
So we can start it all over again..

Can we take the same road two days in the same clothes.?
And I know just what she’ll say if I can make all this pain go..
Can we stop this for a minute.?
You know, I can tell that your heart isn’t in it or with it..

Tell me with your mind, body and spirit,
I can make your tears fall down like the showers that are British..
Whether we’re together or apart,
We can both remove the masks and admit we regret it from the start..

If you’re pretending from the start like this,
With a tight grip, then my kiss..
Can mend your broken heart,
I might miss everything you said to me..

And I can lend you broken parts,
That might fit like this..
And I will give you all my heart,
So we can start it all over again..

You’ll never know how to make it on your own,
And you’ll never show weakness for letting go..
I guess you’re still hurt if this seed's sown,
But do you really want to be alone.?

If you’re pretending from the start like this,
With a tight grip, then my kiss..
Can mend your broken heart,
I might miss everything you said to me..

And I can lend you broken parts,
That might fit like this..
And I will give you all my heart,
So we can start it all over again..

If you’re pretending from the start like this,
With a tight grip, then my kiss..
Can mend your broken heart,
I might miss everything you said to me..

And I can lend you broken parts,
That might fit like this..
And I will give you all my heart,
So we can start it all over again..

Senin, 04 Februari 2013

Maroon 5 - She Will Be Love Lyrics

Beauty queen of only eighteen,
She had some trouble with herself..
He was always there to help her,
She always belonged to someone else..

I drove for miles and miles,
And wound up at your door..
I've had you so many times but somehow,
I want more..

I don't mind spending everyday,
Out on your corner in the pouring rain..
Look for the girl with the broken smile,
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile..
And she will be loved,
She will be loved..

Tap on my window knock on my door,
I want to make you feel beautiful..
I know I tend to get so insecure,
It doesn't matter anymore..

It's not always rainbows and butterflies,
It's compromise that moves us along, yeah..
My heart is full and my door's always open,
You can come anytime you want..

I don't mind spending everyday,
Out on your corner in the pouring rain..
Look for the girl with the broken smile,
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile..
And she will be loved,
And she will be loved..
And she will be loved,
And she will be loved..

I know where you hide,
Alone in your car..
Know all of the things that make you who you are,
I know that goodbye means nothing at all..
Comes back and begs me to catch her every time she falls,

Tap on my window knock on my door..
I want to make you feel beautiful,

I don't mind spending everyday..
Out on your corner in the pouring rain,
Look for the girl with the broken smile..
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile,
And she will be loved..
And she will be loved,
And she will be loved..
And she will be loved,

[in the background]

Please don't try so hard to say goodbye..
Please don't try so hard to say goodbye,



I don't mind spending everyday,
Out on your corner in the pouring rain..

Try so hard to say goodbye,

The Script - Science And Faith Lyrics

Tried to break love to a science,
In an act of pure defiance..
I broke her heart,
As i pulled apart her theories..
As i watched her growing weary,
I pulled her apart..
Having heavy conversations,
About the furthest constellations of our souls. oh..
We're just trying to find some meaning,
In the things that we believe in..
But we got some ways to go,
Of all of the things that she's ever said..
She goes and says something that just knocks me dead,

You won't find faith or hope down a telescope..
You won't find heart and soul in the stars,
You can break everything down to chemicals..
But you can't explain a love like ours,

It's the way we feel, yeah this is real..
It's the way we feel, yeah this is real..

I tried pushing evolution,
As the obvious conclusion of the start...
But it was for my own amusement,
Saying love was an illusion of a hopeless heart..
Of all of the things that she's ever said,
She goes and says something that knocks me dead..

You won't find faith or hope down a telescope,
You won't find heart and soul in the stars..
You can break everything down to chemicals,
But you can't explain a love like ours..

It's the way we feel, yeah this is real..
It's the way we feel, yeah this is real..

Of all of the things that she's ever said,
She goes and says something that just knocks me dead..

You won't find faith or hope down a telescope,
You won't find heart and soul in the stars..
You can break everything down to chemicals,
But you can't explain a love like ours..

It's the way we feel, yeah this is real..
It's the way we feel, yeah this is real..

Minggu, 03 Februari 2013

February Wish

Hai sobat blogger yang saya cintai,. :*
Kembali lagi bersama saya, Ellen Ling..
Dalam postingan gaje yang satu ini,.

Sobat blogger, sekarang kan sudah memasuki bulan February nih,
Apa kalian sudah punya "Wish" buat bulan yang satu ini.??
Jika sudah, bolehkah saya mengetahuinya.?? :D
Kalau saya sih, simple aja.. *sombong nih*

Gue cuma mau...

Personil 1D atau One Direction,
FOLLOW BACK gue.. ^_^ :D :*
Pasalnya.. *yang dalam UUD gak ada*
Gue lagi tergila-gila sama mereka,.
Pengen mah, salah satu dari mereka FOLLOW BACK gue..

Dan Alhamdulillahnya nih sobat blogger, penyanyi asal negeri sebelah
FOLLOW BACK gue.. *pamer* hehe.. :D

Singkatnya gini, waktu gue online Twitter, dia nulis status di TW nya..
Nah, spontan gue langsung ke profilnya dan Mention : Please followback, if you don't mind.. :D :* I love you so much.. *kalau gak salah*
eh, Mentionan itu kan cuma iseng-isengannya gue aja nih, ternyata pas gue lihat ke Mentionan punya gue ada tulisan : Cody Simpson follows you, nah pas gue buka tuh profil..
Cody Simpson Follows You 

Nah, karena spontan, gue langsung cengar-cengir sambil teriak *padahal malem-malem*
Eh, semu yang ada di rumah gue nengok ke gue..
Sampai malu sendiri, soalnya gue gak nyangka dia akan Followback gue.. ^_^

Dan gue sangat berterimakasih atas Tuhan YME dan Cody Simpson.. :D
Nah, target gue sekarang ingin di Followback sama personil 1 D.. :*
Semoga Tuhan menghendaki, trims..
Doa kan aku ya sobattt..!! :*
*Maaf tulisannya large size, alay dikit gak pa'pa* XD hehe..

Nah, sekian dulu dari saya...
Gracias, Te Amo.. :*

(Tanpa Judul)

Gue bingung mau apa,
Gue cuma ingin nulis sesuatu aja.. =="
Akhir-akhir ini, gue lagi merasa sedih..
Merasa sendiri, merasa sepi..

Walaupun di sekolah gue bercandaan melulu,
Ketawa-ketawa gak jelas..
Jailin orang, dan lain sebagainya..
Tapi hati gue merasa biasa..

Dalam hati, gue merasa hampa..
Seperti ada sesuatu yang hilang dari diri gue..
Tapi gue gak tau apa itu..
Orang yang gue sukai.? Bukan..
Pacar.?? Gak punya..

Ingin merasakan sesuatu..
Sesuatu yang hilang itu,
Tapi aku tak mampu menemukannya..
Apa itu.? Tidak tahu...
Sama sekali, aku tak tahu..

Bantu aku untuk menemukannya sobat,
Bagaimanapun caranya..
Sepertinya, aku tak dapat menemukannya...
Mungkin, ini waktunya..
Aku, untuk menemukan diriku kembali..

Menemukan diriku yang sebenarnya..
Tawa, canda yang selalu hadir..
Tak mampu menepis rasa yang hilang ini..
Aku kesal, aku sedih..
Ingin rasanya aku menangis..
Hingga pagi menjelang..

Sesungguhnya aku hanyalah manusia biasa..
Yang khilaf,
Yang takut akan segala dosa..

Aku ingin kembali seperti dahulu,
Sebelum aku mengenal dia, dia, dan dia..
Aku ingin merasa bebas..
Bagaikan burung yang terbang bebas di langit..

Tapi, aku tak mampu seperti mereka..
Karena aku bukan bagian dari mereka..
Dengan ini, aku masih ingin bertahan..
Walau hati ini melarang...

Rasa yang hilang ini, bagaikan badai yang menghantam..
Bagaikan dinginnya angin malam yang menusuk jantungku..
Bagaikan air es di Kutub Utara..
Semuanya membuatku sakit..

Sahabat blogger yang saya cintai..
Mohon maaf sebelummya,
Kalau postingan yang satu ini sangat tidak jelas..
It's Only Me...
Thank you,

Kamis, 31 Januari 2013

Cara Merubah Tampilan Google Chrome Menjadi Windows 8

Hai sobat blogger..!! Sudah lama tidak berjumpa.. Hehe. ^_^
Apa kabar nih.? Kalau baik, baguslah.. Kalau buruk, saya turut berduka.. XD whahaha..
Hari ini saya akan memberikaan sedikit tips untuk Merubah Tampilan Google Chrome Menjadi Seperti Tampilan Windows 8 nih sobat.. Kita langsung saja yukss..!! :D

  1. Pastikan kalian sudah membuka Google Chrome
  2. Klik link di samping ini https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/mysites-the-best-speed-di/lincjlelmbjdjchibigfedhoekfkjkad
  3. Lalu lihat di pojok kanan atas, terdapat tulisan "Tambah Ke Chrome" atau "Add To Chrome".
  4. Lalu klik "Tambahkan" atau "Add",
  5. Tunggu beberapa saat, lalu buka tab baru maka Google Chrome kalian sama seperti tampilan di Windows 8.

Selamat mencobaaaa..!! ^_^
Semoga tips ini bermanfaat bagi kalian,
Terimakasihhh.. :D :*

Selasa, 29 Januari 2013

One Direction - Little Things Lyrics

Your hand fits in mine,
Like it's made just for me..
But bear this in mind,
It was meant to be..
And I'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks,
And it all makes sense to me..

I know you've never loved,
The crinkles by your eyes..
When you smile,
You've never loved..
Your stomach or your thighs,
The dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine..
But I'll love them endlessly,

I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth..
But if I do,
It's you..
Oh, it's you they add up to,
I'm in love with you..
And all these little things,

You can't go to bed without a cup of tea..
And maybe that's the reason that you talk in your sleep,
And all those conversations are the secrets that I keep..
Though it makes no sense to me,

I know you've never loved..
The sound of your voice on tape,
You never want..
To know how much you weigh,
You still have to squeeze into your jeans..
But you're perfect to me,

I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth..
But if it's true,
It's you..
It's you they add up to,
I'm in love with you..
And all these little things,

You'll never love yourself half as much as I love you,
You'll never treat yourself right, darling, but I want you to..
If I let you know I'm here for you,
Maybe you'll love yourself like I love you, oh..

And I've just let these little things slip out of my mouth,
'Cause it's you..
Oh, it's you,
It's you they add up to..
And I'm in love with you,
And all these little things..

I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth,
But if it's true..
It's you,
It's you they add up to,
I'm in love with you..
And all your little things,

Coldplay - Viva La Vida Lyrics

I used to rule the world,
Seas would rise when I gave the word..
Now in the morning I sleep alone,
Sweep the streets I used to own..

I used to roll the dice,
Feel the fear in my enemy's eyes..
Listen as the crowd would sing,
"Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!"..

One minute I held the key,
Next the walls were closed on me..
And I discovered that my castles stand,
Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand..

I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing,
Roman Cavalry choirs are singing..
Be my mirror, my sword and shield,
My missionaries in a foreign field..

For some reason I can't explain,
Once you go there was never..
Never an honest word,
And that was when I ruled the world..

It was the wicked and wild wind,
Blew down the doors to let me in..
Shattered windows and the sound of drums,
People couldn't believe what I'd become..

Revolutionaries wait,
For my head on a silver plate..
Just a puppet on a lonely string,
Oh who would ever want to be king.?

I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing,
Roman Cavalry choirs are singing..
Be my mirror, my sword and shield,
My missionaries in a foreign field..

For some reason I can't explain,
I know Saint Peter won't call my name..
Never an honest word,
But that was when I ruled the world..

I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing,
Roman Cavalry choirs are singing..
Be my mirror, my sword and shield,
My missionaries in a foreign field..

For some reason I can't explain,
I know Saint Peter won't call my name..
Never an honest word,
But that was when I ruled the world..

Kamis, 24 Januari 2013

One Direction - Still The One Lyrics

Liam :
Hello, hello, I know it’s been a while but baby,
I got something that I really wanna let you know, yeah..
Something that I wanna let you know,

Louis :
You say, you say to everybody that you hate me..
Couldn’t blame you 'cause I know I left you all alone,
I know that I left you all alone,

Harry :
And yeah, now I’m back at your door..
You're lookin’ at me unsure,
I should’ve seen it before..
You’re all I think about, baby,

All :
I was so stupid for letting you go..
But I-I-I know you’re still the one,
You might have moved on..
But girl you should know,
That I-I-I know you’re still the one..
I know I say it too much,
But I will never give up..
I was so stupid for letting you go,
But I-I-I know you’re still the one..

Harry :
I-I-I know you’re still the one,

Niall   :
Hello, hello, I’m really hoping you’ll forgive me..
I keep talking, begging, tell me what I wanna hear,
Girl just tell me what I wanna hear,

Harry :
I tried, I tried to start again and find somebody..
But I remember all the times and all the words we said,
I can't get it out of my head,

Zayn :
And yeah, now I’m back at your door..
You're lookin’ at me unsure,
I should’ve seen it before..
You’re all I think about, baby,

All :
I was so stupid for letting you go..
But I-I-I know you’re still the one,
You might have moved on..
But girl you should know,
That I-I-I know you’re still the one..
I know I say it too much,
But I will never give up..
I was so stupid for letting you go,
But I-I-I know you’re still the one..

All :
Hey you, you’re still the one (x4),

All :
I know I say it too much..
But I will never give up,
I was so stupid for letting you go..
But I-I-I know you’re still the one,

Harry :
I-I-I know you’re still the one..

Rabu, 23 Januari 2013

Cara Mencari Status Lama Di Twitter

Hai sobat blogger, singkat aja nih..
Hari ini saya akan memberi tahu kalian bagaimana cara Mencari Status Twitter Lama kalian yang sudah tidak terjangkau lagi menggunakan Aplikasi yang bernama Twissues..
Kita langsung saja yuk.!! :D

  1. Kunjungi http://www.twissues.com/ 
  2. Klik comecting using Twitter,
  3. Masukkan email dan sandi kalian, atau bisa juga kalian membuka twitter dulu (sama aja sih)
  4. Isi kotak yang muncul dengan status lama Twitter kalian yang ingin dicari dengan memasukkan kata kuncinya yang kalian ingat,
  5. Setelah loading selesai, akan muncul status lama Twitter kalian yang dicari tadi, 
  6. Setelah selesai, klik tulisan log out di sebelah kanan kalian.

Yupss, itu dia sobat.!
Cara mencari status Twitter lama kalian yang sudah tidak terjangkau lagi.. :D
Semoga artikel ini bermanfaat bagi kalian ya sobat blogger..!! ^_^
Terimakasih.. :*

Makna Lagu One Direction

Hai, hai, haaaaiiii.... :D
Kembali lagi nih sobat bersama saya, Ellen Ling yang unyu-unyu.. :3 Haha..
Hari ini saya akan memberikan sedikit informasi tentang Makna Lagu One Direction..
Sebelumnya, kalian pasti sudah tahu kan boyband One Direction ini..?
Jika belum tahu, kalian bisa cari infonya di blog gue.. XD hehe..

  1. What Makes You Beautiful (3:18), adalah cowok single pertama One Direction. Inti lagu ini menceritakan tentang cowok yang tergila-gila dengan seorang cewek, tetapi cewek tersebut tidak menyadari bahwa ada seorang cowok yang diam-diam suka padanya. Waahh..
  2. Gotta Be You (4:04), selain lagu ini membuat saya nangis se-nangis - nangisnya, lagu ini juga lagu favorit saya, lagu ini bernuansa mellow yang menceritakan tentang seorang cowok yang menyesal karena membuat kesalahan pada seorang cewek, dan dia berharap ia bisa dimaafkan dan ingin mengulang kembali masa-masa pacaran mereka dulu. Hikss, hikss.. :(
  3. One Thing (3:17), lagu ini bernuansa romantis dengan tempo yang nge-beat dengan lirik lagu yang mudah dihafal (menurut saya). Lagu ini menceritakan tentang seorang cowok yang tidak bisa berfikir apa-apa selain sang pacar, lagu ini cocok buat kalian yang baru jadian nih guys.! :D
  4. More Than This (3:48), lagu ini juga lagu favorit saya, iramanya yang lembut dan slow + nice membuat kita teringat dengan lagu Fool Again (Westlife), That Should Be Me (Justin Bieber), dan This I Promise You (N'Synyc). Liriknya yang sangat dalam juga membuat saya mengangis lagi (walaupun tidak seperti lagu Gotta Be You). Hehe..
  5. Up All Night (3:14), lagu ini menurut saya sangat keren dengan irama yang enak di dengar dan dengan tempo yang up beat dengan opening suara Synthesizer.  Lagu ini menceritakan tentang seseorang yang menemukan pasangannya dalam sebuah pesta. Waww..
  6. I Wish (3:36), ini juga termasuk lagu favorit saya, karena dalam reff nya kita bisa lihat rasa sakit yang luar binasa loh, eh luar biasa maksudnya.. Hehe.. Dan buat kalian yang suka memendam cinta, lagu ini cocok buat kalian guys.! Karena lagu ini mantap deh buat mengenang orang yang kita sayang namun tidak sempat kita miliki.. :( (gue banget).
  7. Tell Me A Lie (3:17), lagu ini menceritakan tentang sebuah pertengkaran yang terkadang memang menghiasi hubungan dua orang manusia, namun lagu ini dibuat dengan tempo yang cepat agar terkesan semua ini harus berlalu. Lagu ini dibuat oleh Kelly Clarkson, pemenang American Idol.

Yups, itu dia sobat blogger.! 
Semoga artikel ini bermanfaat bagi kalian semua, terutama para Directioners nih..! :D 
Hehehe.. ^_^
Terimakasih telah membaca artikel ini.

Senin, 21 Januari 2013

Love You, Niall..!!

Hai sobat blogger yang setia, kembali lagi bersama saya yang ngaku - ngaku pacarnya Niall Horan personil One Direction.. XD :D
Hahaha.. abaikan pemirsa.. =="
Dalam postingan yang satu ini, saya wajibkan kalian tidak membacanya.. *loh.??* hehe..
Karena postingan ini cuma iseng - isengan saya aja.. :3

Kalian tau tidak sobat blogger.??
Gak tau ya.?? ya udah, saya juga gak tau.. ==" haha..
Tau Niall Horan gak.? Itu loh, personil 1D yang rambutnya putih, cute, keren, kece, lucu, dll.. *lebay.. Haha.. XD

Gue nge-fans banget sama dia, kalau sampai gue ketemu sama dia...
Gue pasti gak segan - segan buat teriak se kencang - kencang nya.. XD
Kalau perlu sampai suara habis juga gue rela kok.. :3

Niall itu hampir sama kayak gue.. :3 *pengennya* haha..
Lahir bulan September, warna favoritnya sama, suka nge luak..
Eh, nge lawak maksud gue.. XD wkwk..

Banyak deh yang sama, sama ane.. =="
*abaikan yah pemirsa..! >_<

Yang gue suka dari seorang Niall Horan itu :

  1. Senyumnya,
  2. Matanya,
  3. Wajahnya,
  4. Sifatnya yang humoris,
  5. Gayanya,
  6. Semuanya deehhh.. :* 

Ahh, andaikan aku bersamamu Niall.. :*
Haha.. yah, doa-kan aku ya sobat..
Siapa tempe, eh.. siapa tahu gue bisa ketemu Niall Horan dan yang terutama 1D.. :D :) :*
Amien.. ^_^

Dahh, sampai jumpa ya sobat. :*

Sabtu, 19 Januari 2013

Cara Cepat Mengoperasikan Mozila Firefox

Hai sobat setia blogger..! Kembali lagi bersama saya di sini dalam artikel yang berjudul Cara Cepat Mengoperasikan Mozila Firefox.. ^_^
Biar nggak kepo, kita langsung saja yuks.!! :D


Alt + Home = Membuka halaman home.
Ctrl + O = Membuka file.
Ctrl + R atau F5 = Me-refresh halaman.
Ctrl + F5 atau Ctrl + Shift + R = Refresh halaman tanpa menggunakan cache di harddisk.
Esc = Stop / berhenti.
End = Menuju ke bagian bawah halaman.
Home = Menuju ke bagian atas halaman.
F6 = Berpindah ke frame berikutnya.
Shift + F6 = Berpindah ke frame selanjutnya.
Ctrl + U = Melihat source page halaman yang dibuka.
Ctrl + P = Mencetak halaman.
Ctrl + + (tanda plus) = Memperbesar halaman (zoom in).
Ctrl + - (tanda minus) = Memperkecil halaman (zoom out).
Ctrl + 0 = Mereset zoom.
Ctrl + C = Meng-copy.
Ctrl + X = Memotong / cut.
Delete = Menghapus.
Ctrl + V = Menyalin / paste.
Ctrl + Y = Redo / mengulang sesudahnya.
Ctrl + A = Menyeleksi semua / memilih semua.
Ctrl + Z = Undo / mengulang sebelumnya.
Ctrl + F atau F3 atau Ctrl + G = Cari.
' = Cari link.
/ = Cari teks.
Ctrl + K atau Ctrl + E = Pencarian web (kursor berpindah ke teks box pencarian web di kanan atas).

Nah, itu dia sobat sedikit info tentang shortcuts yang tersedia di Mozila Firefox..
Semoga artikel ini bermanfaat bagi kalian.. ^_^

Manfaat Air Putih

Hai sobat blogger, kali ini saya akan memberikan sedikit informasi tentang kesehatan..
Yaitu Manfaat Air Putih,. :D
Kita langsung saja yuks..!! ^_^

Air Putih

  1. Dua gelas air putih setelah bangun tidur dapat membantu mengaktifkan organ-organ internal.
  2. Air putih mampu membuang racun-racun yang ada dalam tubuh melalui hasil ekskresi berupa urine.
  3. Satu gelas air putih 30 menit sebelum makan membantu untuk melancarkan fungsi pencernaan dan ginjal.
  4. Air putih mampu menjaga berat badan.
  5. Air putih membuat kulit kita segar dan bugar setiap hari.
  6. Satu gelas air putih sebelum mandi membantu menurunkan tekanan darah.
  7. Satu gelas air putih sebelum tidur untuk menghindaristroke atau serangan jantung. 
  8. Air putih juga membantu proses pencernaan makanan yang telah kita makan.
  9. Air putih membantu mencegah sembelit yang kita alami dan pada setiap orang yang berkaitan dengan buang air besar. 
  10. Air putih mampu meningkatkan energi saat mengalami kelelahan setelah beraktivitas.

Nah, itu dia sobat blogger..
Manfaat Air Putih bagi kehidupan kita, semoga artikel ini bermanfaat dan membantu kalian untuk sering-sering meminum air putih agar kita selalu sehat.. ^_^ hehehe.. 

Jumat, 18 Januari 2013

Cara Cepat Membuka Fitur & Teks Shortcuts Pada Google Chrome

Hai sobat blogger yang saya cintai.. :3 haha..
Kali ini saya akan memberi tahu tentang  Cara Cepat Membuka Fitur & Teks Shortcuts Pada Google Chrome.. Kita langsung saja yuk..!! ^_^


Alt + F atau Alt + E = Membuka menu untuk mengatur setting pada Google Chrome.
Ctrl + Shift + B = Mengubah bookmark toolbar aktif atau tidak.
Ctrl + H = Membuka halaman history.
Ctrl + J = Membuka halaman downloads.
Shift + Esc = Membuka task manager.
Ctrl + Shift + J = Membuka developer tools.
Ctrl + Shift + Delete = Membuka jendela clear browsing data.
F1 = Membuka halaman bantuan pada tab baru.


Ctrl + C = Menyalin atau copy karakter yang diseleksi atau di blok.
Ctrl + V atau Shift + Insert = Menempel atau paste konten.
Ctrl + Shift + V = Menempel atau paste konten tanpa format.
Ctrl + X atau Shift + Delete = Menghapus konten yang di sorot dan meng-copy-nya ke clipboard.

Yups, itu dia sobat.!
Semoga artikel yang satu ini bermanfaat bagi kalian.. ^_^
Selamat mencoba dan terimakasih.. :*

Kamis, 17 Januari 2013

One Direction - I Would Lyrics

Lately I found myself thinking,
Been dreaming about you a lot..
And up in my head I'm your boyfriend,
But that's one thing you've already got..

He drives to school every morning,
While I walk alone in the rain..
He'd kill me without any warning,
If he took a look in my brain..

Would he say he's in L-O-V-E.?
Well if it was me then I would..
Would he hold you when you're feeling low,
Baby you should know that I would..
Would he say he's in L-O-V-E.?
Well if it was me then I would..
Would he hold you when you're feeling low,
Baby you should know that I would..

Back in my head we were kissing,
I thought things were going alright..
With a sign on my back saying 'kick me',
Reality ruined my life,

Feels like I'm constantly playing..
A game that I'm destined to lose,
Cause I can't compete with your boyfriend..
He's got 27 tattoos,

Would he say he's in L-O-V-E.?
Well if it was me then I would..
Would he hold you when you're feeling low,
Baby you should know that I would..
Would he say he's in L-O-V-E.?
Well if it was me then I would..
Would he hold you when you're feeling low,
Baby you should know that I would..

Would he please you.?
Would he kiss you.?
Would he treat you like I would.?
Would he touch you.?
Would he need you.?
Would he love you like I would.?

Would he say he's in L-O-V-E.?
Well if it was me then I would..
Would he hold you when you're feeling low,
Baby you should know that I would..

Would he please you.?
Would he kiss you.?
Would he treat you like I would.?
Would he touch you.?
Would he need you.?
Would he love you like I would.?

Would he say he's in L-O-V-E.?
Well if it was me then..
I would, I would,
Would he hold you when you're feeling low..
Baby you should know that I would,

I would, I would yeah..

One Direction - Summer Love Lyrics

Can't believe you're packing your bags..
Trying so hard not to cry,
Had the best time and now it's the worst time..
But we have to say goodbye,

Don't promise that you're gonna write..
Don't promise that you'll call,
Just promise that you won't forget we had it all..

'Cause you were mine for the summer,
Now we know it's nearly over..
Feels like snow in September,
But I always will remember..
You were my summer love,
You always will be my summer love..

Wish that we could be alone now,
If we could find some place to hide..
Make the last time just like the first time,
Push a button and rewind..

Don't say the word that's on your lips,
Don't look at me that way..
Just promise you'll remember,
When the sky is grey..

'Cause you were mine for the summer,
Now we know it's nearly over..
Feels like snow in September,
But I always will remember..
You were my summer love,
You always will be my summer love..

So please don't make this any harder,
We can't take this any farther..
And I know there's nothing that I wanna change, change,

'Cause you were mine for the summer..
Now we know it's nearly over,
Feels like snow in September..
But I always will remember,
You were my summer love (summer love)..
You always will be my summer love (summer love),
You always will be my summer love..
You always will be my summer love,

One Direction - Stand Up Lyrics

From the moment I met you everything changed,
I knew I had to get you whatever the pain..
I had to take you and make you mine,

I would walk through the desert I would walk down the aisle..
I would swim all the oceans just to see you smile,
Whatever it takes is fine..

Oh oh oooh oh so put your hands up,
Oh oh oooh oh coz it's a stand up..
And I won't be leaving 'til I've finished stealing every piece of your heart,
Every piece of your heart..

I know your hearts been broken but don't you give up,
I'll be there yeah I know it to fix you with love..
It hurts me to think that you've ever cried,

Oh oh oooh oh so put your hands up..
Oh oh oooh oh coz it's a stand up,
And I won't be leaving 'til I've finished stealing every piece of your heart..
Every piece of your heart,

Oh oh oooh oh so put your hands up..
Oh oh oooh oh coz it's a stand up,
And I won't be leaving 'til I've finished stealing every piece of your heart..

And now we'll steal us a car,
And we will drive to the stars..
I will give you the moon,
It's the least I can do..
If you give me the chance,

Oh oh oooh oh so put your hands up..
Oh oh oooh oh coz it's a stand up,
I'm a thief..
I'm a thief,
You can call me a thief..
I'm a thief,
I'm a thief..
But since you know your part,
I'm a thief..
I'm a thief,
I'm only here..
I'm a thief,
I'm a thief..
Because you stole my heart,

(Oh oh oooh oh) I'm a thief I'm a thief..
So put your hands up,
(Oh oh oooh oh) I'm a thief I'm a thief..
Coz it's a stand up,
And I won't be leaving 'til I've finished stealing every piece of your heart..
(I'm only here),
Coz you stole my heart..

(Oh oh oooh oh) I'm a thief I'm a thief,
Call me a thief..
(Oh oh oooh oh) I'm a thief I'm a thief,
Coz you know your part..
(Oh oh oooh oh) I'm a thief I'm a thief,
I'm only here..
(Oh oh oooh oh) I'm a thief I'm a thief,
Because you stole my heart..

Selasa, 15 Januari 2013

One Direction - More Than This Lyrics

I'm broken,
Do you hear me..
I'm blinded,
Cause you are everything I see..
I'm dancing, alone,
I'm praying..
That your heart will just turn around,

And as I walk up to your door..
My eye turns to face the floor,
Cause I can't look you in the eyes and say..

When he opens his arms,
And holds you close tonight..
It just won't feel right,
Cause I can't love you more than this, yeah..
When he lays you down, I'm might just die inside,
It just don't feel right..
Cause I can't love you more than this,
Can't love you more than this..

If I'm louder,
Would you see me.?
Would you lay down in my arms and rescue me.?
Cause we are, the same..
You saved me, when you leave it scarred again,
And then I see you on the street..
In his arms, I get weak,
My body feels I'm on my knees..

When he opens his arms..
And holds you close tonight,
It just won't feel right..
Cause I can't love you more than this, yeah,
When he lays you down, I'm might just die inside..
It just don't feel right,
Cause I can't love you more than this..

I've never had the words to say,
But now I'm asking you to stay..
For a little while inside my arms,
And as you close your eyes tonight..
I pray that you will see the light,
That's shining from the stars above..

When he opens his arms,
And holds you close tonight..
It just won't feel right,
Cause I can't love you more than this..
Cause I can't love you more than this,

When he lays you down, I'm might just die inside..
It just don't feel right,
Cause I can't love you more than this, yeah..

When he opens his arms,
And holds you close tonight..
It just won't feel right,
Cause I can't love you more than this..

When he lays you down, I'm might just die inside,
It just don't feel right..
Cause I can't love you more than this,
Can't love you more than this..

One Direction - Gotta Be You Lyrics

Girl I see it in your eyes you're disappointed,
'Cause I'm the foolish one that you anointed with your heart..
I tore it apart,
And girl what a mess I made upon your innocence..
And no woman in the world deserves this,
But here I am, asking you for one more chance..

Can we fall, one more time.?
Stop the tape and rewind..
Oh and if you walk away I know I'll fade,
'Cause there is nobody else..

It's gotta be you,
Only you..
It's got to be you,
Oh, Only you..

Now girl I hear it in your voice and how it trembles,
When you speak to me I don't resemble, who I was..
You've almost had enough,
And your actions speak louder than words..
And you're about to break from all you've heard,
Don't be scared, I ain't going no where..

I'll be here, by your side,
No more fears, no more crying..
But if you walk away,
I know I'll fade..
'Cause there is nobody else,

[All, Harry leading voice]
It's gotta be you..
Only you,
It's got to be you..
Oh, Only you,

Oh girl, can we try one more, one more time.?
One more, one more, can we try.?
One more, one more time..
I'll make it better,

[All, Zayn leading voice]
One more, one more, can we try.?
One more, one more,
Can we try one more time to make it all better.?

[All, Harry leading voice]
'Cause it's gotta be you,
Its gotta be you..
Only you,
Oh, Only you..

It's gotta be you,
Only you..
It's got to be you,
Oh, Only you..

Minggu, 13 Januari 2013

Sebatas Teman

Yang disana..

Yang telah membuatku suka padamu..
Yang membuatku selalu memikirkanmu..
Dan yang kini membuatku benci padamu...

Kini, aku telah mengerti..
Semua yang pernah ku rasakan..
Takkan pernah terulang kembali..

Apa yang telah ku rencanakan selama ini..
Hanya sekejap..
Dan telah hilang terbawa derasnya desiran angin malam..

Aku terlalu berlebihan..
Aku terlalu memikirkanmu..
Dan aku terlalu terobsesi denganmu..

Kini, aku telah menemukan jawaban yang tepat..
Yang selama ini ku cari-cari..
Yaitu 'Sebatas Teman'..

Dan untuk selamanya...